Today, we are joined by Aro Rajaonah, a former Haile Fellow and pre-doctoral research specialist at Princeton University. Aro shares his experience as a Haile Fellow and advises current undergraduate students. He emphasizes the importance of coding skills, networking, and reading widely. Aro also discusses his plans, including applying to PhD programs. The conversation highlights the value of research and the opportunities it can create.
Develop coding skills and organize code effectively
Build a strong network of connections in the research community
Read widely and explore diverse topics
Focus on skills development and be open to new opportunities
Apply to as many research positions as possible to increase chances of success
Sound Bites
"Coding is a big part of my experience here right now."
"Networking was a great thing that the Haile Fellows Program helped me with."
"Focus on building skills: coding, reading, and research interests."
00:00 Introduction and Background
03:08 Aro's Current Work at Princeton
08:49 Developing Curiosity and Intellectual Growth
11:22 The Impact of the Hale Fellows Program
24:08 Preparing for a Career in Research
31:36 Future Plans and Closing Remarks